Lighted Ear Curette - Variety Pack, Standard
Includes: 50 per box + 1 Light Source + 1 Magnification lens
#2210 - Lighted AngleLoop
#2220 - Lighted MicroLoop
#2230 - Lighted WaveCurette
#2240 - Lighted FlexLoop
#2250 - Lighted CeraSpoon
#2260 - Lighted InfantScoop
#2270 - Lighted VersaLoop
#2280 - Lighted CeraPik
#2245 - Variety Pack (Includes all tip styles except CeraPik
Combine illumination and magnification to take-less time to see and safely remove cerumen from the ear canal.
Bionix Lighted Ear Curette combines illumination and magnification to help healthcare providers take less time to see and safely remove cerumen from the ear canal.
Problem: Ear curettage requires three hands; One hand to brace patients head and straighten the ear canal, one to maneuver the curette and one to position a light to avoid blindly-curetting in the ear.
Solution: The Lighted Ear Curette with Magnification brilliantly illuminates the ear canal eliminating the practice of blindly curetting the sensitive area.
Results: Complete visualization shortens procedure time and increases efficacy.
Curette Tip Size:
#2240 Lighted FlexLoop is a 4mm wide tip.
#2260 Lighted InfantScoop is a 2mm wide tip.
#2210 Lighted AngleLoop is a 4mm wide tip.
#2220 Lighted MicroLoop is a 3mm wide tip.
#2230 Lighted WaveCuretteTM is a 2.5mm wide tip.
#2270 Lighted VersaLoop is a 3mm wide tip.
#2250 Lighted CeraSpoon is a 4mm wide tip.
#2280 Lighted CeraPik is a 2.5mm wide tip.